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Entries in Sixth Annual Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk (13)


Happy Sunday

I was too tired to watch the United game last night - it kicked off after midnight. Irfan had fever and all of us went to bed earlier than planned.

I managed to do the post-processing of my photos - all 300+ of them before waking up and uploaded them onto Flickr overnight.

Woke up early this morning to do some more uploading as well as planning entries for the blog for the coming few days while I still got ideas on my head. Plenty to write actually.

I have a few patients to see in the Ward but not too many. I can afford to head out a bit letter. To enjoy the Sunday morning drive I supposed. I was due to visit my Mum this weekend as well. She had an appointment coming with her Cardiologist next week as well. Better get that sorted out.

So, a full day from the looks of it. I better get the entries written up before the Ward round. The internet connection had also been good overnight. No hitches I hope.

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After the Walk

It turned out to be a nice day weather wise and the wall went on without a hitch. I started my day as planned with an early ward round. I was driving back towards the city by 8.15, and parked at KLCC. Took the LRT and Monorel towards Chiw Kit, and made it to the starting point well before we set off.

Around 60 photographers turned up. There was even a family - Mum, Dad, Daughter and Son - who came. Got to meet friends old and new. Quite a gathering. And the trend now was towards smaller gears and smartphones. Of course there were the D3s and 5D Mark IIs. But there were not as many as before.

Some of them ordered breakfast but it was clear the restaurant couldn't cope with our orders.

As usual, we did the obligatory group photograph at the starting point. The route this year was from Chow Kit Monorel station, setting into the chow Kit wet market, exit on the opposite side and walk towards Maju Junction and Masjid India.

Then we would congregated at the end at Masjid Jamek where we would have lunch.

Tea when I reached homeI ended up eating long the way. How could I resist, there was Restoran Kudu along the way. And the stores along the way .... I was full by the time I reached the destination. That didn't stop me ordering more drinks afterwards.

It was a great day out. I snapped over 300 frames which explained why my battery was almost dead. Took the LRT back to KLCC, and I was home by 4. Tired, I actually took a nap before uploading the photos into the computer. Hmmm .... Post-processing fever coming tonight ......

More entries on the walk here.

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Photowalk Tomorrow 

Setting off during the 2009 walkSo, if things fell into place, we would be embarking on another chapter of the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk tomorrow morning. The first one I joined was on the second chapter in 2009. A great day out it was, and we explored the wet market of Chow Kit that fine morning.

I helped organised the walk in 2010, and the route I picked was around Central Market towards the old KL KTM Station. 2011 was around Masjid Jamek. Ripi helped organised that, and he will be doing the same again tomorrow, but this time we would be back to Chow Kit.

Ripi helped organise the walk in the last couple of years, and he is doing the honours again tomorrowA common theme during all the walks. Food. And plenty of them!This was snapped at the beginning of the 2010 walk which I helped organiseWeather does play a big role. And I hope tomorrow would be a nice one ....I couldn't join last year's walk due to work. It was around Pavilion, but it was interrupted by heavy rain. Praying for good weather tomorrow.

I have cancelled the morning clinic, and would be starting my ward round very early. We were talking around 7 am. I would then hopefully be able to join the walk from the start by 9 am. Parking would be a challenge and I might end up having to park at Pavilion and take the Monorail across town, which in itself was a journey. Better set off extra early then …..

Entries on the 2013 walk here.

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