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Entries in street photography (96)


Of Arches

After studying the route for the year's walk, I was sure that we would come across a couple of features aplenty, the art deco like arches at many of the shophouses and the bright yellow zebra crossing at this traffic-dense part of town.

And they came along as promised.

This one was right opposite Central Market. In need of some restoration work ...

Many of the buildings and shoplots around the old Chinatown area still retain their colonial architecture and the walk ways were covered with arches. These were painted bright and framed my shots perfectly as patrons walk along doing their daily business. They sheltered the shoppers from the elements as well as protecting the walkers from the busy traffic.

As the areas where being developed, I was sure these arches would be preserved and the reflected the charm of old Kuala Lumpur perfectly.

These arches were not specific to Kuala Lumpur. Many of the old towns such as Ipoh and Penang retained such similar architecture and hopefully those would be preserved as well. The bright colonies really made them stand out, perfect for photographers killing for angles and lines.

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I decided to go for a dedicated wide-angle lens to go with the full frame setup after trying out the wide-angle Fujinon zoom on my X-pro 2. There were not many choices to go with unless I go for Leica glass and manual focus them. The alternative would be to go with the Zeiss range with auto-focus built in.

I went with the Zeiss and picked up the Batis 18mm. Although the Fuji could go wider, I felt that 18mm was wide enough. It gave me a different perspective, allowing me to capture the scene in its entirety. I could also crop the photos in post, and the 42 MP coming out from my Alpha 7R mark II gave plenty of leeway.

I only managed to take the new setup out for a couple of outings due to my work schedule. But so far I had been impressed. The distortion were definitely there, but it added to the charm of this particular combination. The chromatic aberration was something to watch out for but it could be easily corrected using Aperture later.

I found the snaps to be rich and contrasty. Sometime to get the right frame I had to go uncomfortably close to the subject. But that was just part of the fun!

The Batis lens focussing speed was quick and the photos appeared sharper when I stop it down to f4. That was not an issue when you were outdoors in plenty of light .... Would definitely be posting more of this combination in the future especially in indoors setting, capturing the Raya decorations. Combine this with the a 35mm prime attached to the X-Pro would make a for a great day out ....

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Wider View

It was always nice to try new things in photography. On some of the blogs, I saw some nice shots using wide angle lens on street photography, something I was yet to try.

So, last week I decided to dust off my wide-angle Fujinon 10-23mm and took my X-Pro2 for a walk. I was pleasantly surprised with my captures.

I decided to snap in RAW mode as I felt that I might struggle to bring up the shadows using such a wide-angle lens in high-contrast environment. But the beauty carried through even in my indoors, high ISO captures. Maybe the stabilisation built into the lens helped.

It allowed my to capture the scene in perspective, giving a meaning to the composed image while giving me plenty of leeway for post-processing cropping, at the expense of loss of resolution. The 24 MP sensor coped well and the final images retained their contrast as well as their colour.

I tried the setup at three separate venues. First when I left the LRT at Central Market on the way to Urbanscapes House at Medan Tuanku. Secondly at the Urbanscapes House itself, pushing it to high ISO and testing the stabilisation. Lastly, I ventured on around Masjid India before catching the LRT back to NU Sentral where I parked.

Next step, the 42 MP Alpha 7R mk II full frame with the 18 mm Batis. My ultimate goal would be to pair a medium format body to a wide angle prime .... at least in my dreams ...

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Despite certain Ministers claim that KLites lacked Merdeka spirit, I think it was more to do with certain unpopular individual rather than lack patriotism. With the SEA Games coming, Malaysian would be coming out in droves to support our home team I was sure. And with that, the Merdeka spirit would be soaring high.

Unfortunately, the statement by the said Minister seemed succeeded in only making himself unpopular. Life for the KLites would still go on. These KL folks are more likely to love their country than the Minister would think. Most of them studied abroad and had a sense of belonging to return home making a living here.

Maybe the Merdeka spirit for the minister was different from mine. So, good luck to him then ....

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It Has Been a While

It had been a while since I had the chance to have a nice walk in town, just with my camera. Ramadhan, then Raya made for busy weekends. Last Sunday morning, I had a couple of free hours and I did just that.

I kinda got a good feel taking wide-angle street photos lately. I had the choice of either the Alpha 7 with the Batis or as I did this time around, the X-Pro2 with the 10-24 mm wide angle zoom. I got off the rounds early, got to the bank and sorted out my credit card payments plus a quick stop at Low Yat checking out the new gadgets.

What did I check out this time? The new 10.5 inch iPad Pro. Definitely nippy but my old iPad was still working fine.

I spent some time around Pavilion looking for a new pair of shoes, but nothing caught my fancy. Going out this early on a Sunday meant that there were hardly any traffic to content with. Everything was smooth and I get to see and do what I planned smoothly. I was back at the apartment well before lunchtime ...

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