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Entries in weekend (65)


Saturday Outing

Idlan wanted to try some sports at school. He had started playing badminton, and a few of his friends wanted to play football and basketball later in the week. He was clearly into it and wanted me to get me a football.

So, off we went for a bit of shopping. He ended up getting himself the balls and a brand new sneakers. And the afternoon was topped off with a spot of hot chocolate at his favourite cafe. Unfortunately no practice for today as it was raining heavily by early evening.

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Reopened Jaya ONE

I must confess that Jaya ONE is not an area I was familiar with. Been there a few times. The last time being some 5 years back. Since then, part of the mall had been rebuilt.

One of the main tenant of the new mall would be a group of shops called The School. Mainly a place for children's activities during weekend. A Lego play area, robotics, music centre and the likes.

Another shop of interest for me was the Centre for Asian Photographer. As mentioned on another entry, one of my friend held an exhibition there, which I visited earlier today.

Back to The School, we learned about this when we attended an exhibition at Mid Valley around July last year. Idlan got interested with the drum class on offer there. Since then, Anita had been keeping a close tab on when The School going to be opened.

So today, we physically went to the place. It would be operational by April. The facility so far looked amazing.

Looking forward to sample what on offer when it launches later.

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Metals by Ming

I got to know Ming Thein from Flickr and over the years had became a fan of the work of this remarkable man. The word got out that he had some of his work on show at Centre for Asian Photographer over at Jaya ONE. And since Anita and the boys wanted to check the place anyhow, so I thought I could hit two birds with one stone.

Why not?

The Centre was a lot smaller than I thought. Privately funded, it had a cafe at the lower floor and you take a step on the top floor of the duplex unit to see the exhibition area.

Ming had around a couple of dozens of prints on display. The theme concerns metalwork. People working with metals and fabrication. Quite literally.

The prints were gorgeous, but I found that the walls were too crowded. And the lack of narrative to take me through the photos were disconcerting. Maybe I was used to exhibits being of a certain look. This certainly was a slight departure to it.

None the less, the works would be something to be proud of. Something worth looking at, both the work and the centre.

The centre is located on the second floor of the newly reopened Jaya ONE.

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The Boys were Back

The wait was finally over. The boys were back at the apartment. Anita had dinner before leaving and by the time that was done, the traffic had already subsided and the boys were fuelled up.

The plan would be to stay at the apartment until next weekend as next week would be one of those weird three day week.

So, the moment they arrived, the boys unpacked and were camped in their room. Back to the consoles and it would be a challenge to get them to sleep later tonight. According to Irfan, bedtime was cancelled. Good luck!


Weekend Out

Now that Idlan had recovered from his operation last week, it was time to make the move to apartment for the rest of the holiday months. Unfortunately due tmynwork commitment, we onlplanned to gavel some time next month, just before the school term starts.

The boys had been looking forward to the move. Packing hasn't started yet however. So, the next couple of days would be occupied with that.

With the maid away, Anita felt that it would be easier to cope at the apartment rather than the Gombak house. We could also travel in and out much easier from the apartment as well. The boys also prefer their own room.

So, at least we had plenty to occupy ourselves for the weekend.

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