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Entries in Bangsar Village (39)


The Cookies are Back! 

Anita's favourite cookies, LoveBakeCookies were back to Bangsar Village and yesterday, we didn't waste any time from picking a jar or four from the stall.

Truth be told, I was excited as well. The only problem was, they were not that cheap! There were some nice new flavours which Anita tried last night which turned out great. My personal favourite was the jam tart. They were not too sweat and I must say that the baker did not skim on the ingredients. The stock this year however was noticeably more expensive than last year. According to the staffs, the raw material was more expensive this time around. And there was also the GST.

It looked like we had to go there again before the end of Ramadhan to stock up. Last year, we left it too late and the variety which we wanted were already sold out. Hopefully that would not be the case this year.

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Agonising Wait

After we were done with the Friday prayers, the area around Bangsar was a nightmare. Anita parked at Bangsar Village II and it took us almost half an hour to get the car out of the car park.

Good thing that I rarely do the prayers there. I was sure the fact that Selangor had a public holiday contributed to the jam. I can't imagine how it would be like in the center of KL ....

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Wayang Kulit at Bangsar Village

It was Halloween. Saturday it was and I spent the afternoon with Anita looking for some snacks in the afternoon. I was on call a couple of days earlier and I thought that it was a good way to unwind. There were plenty of kids and their parents roaming around Bangsar VIllage, looking for chocolates. Our boys were just not into that, they would rather stay at home.

"Hulubalang Empayar"While Anita was doing some groceries, something caught my eyes. There was a small exhibition going on, and I thought what was on show was somewhat different. It was "wayang kulit" or shadow dance, but with a twist! It was about Star Wars rather than your typical old legend like what was usually told by those puppets.

It was a great initiative and it would run for another week. The one which caught my eyes were on Princess Leia and the Stormtroopers. Not much of a narrative I was afraid. Maybe there would be a session when they would do all that. But I still thought it was well worth a visit.

Obi Wan vs Vader"Tuan Puteri Leia"

Venue? Ground Floor Bangsar Village. But it would not last for too long though ....

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A Day to Chill

What better way to digest the news of the rally in town and the gossips on social media than sitting in a cafe passing time on a time off. I did just that at Bangsar Village on Malaysia Day, with Anita joining for a bit of shopping.

For the Day's festivities, Bangsar Village had a series of cultural event at the main foyer. Shame that the turn-out was not spectacular. Only a trickle of people here and there. Most people were minding their own business. I stopped by for a moment or two, but I decided to rather spend my time at the cafe.

As far as the day go, there wasn't much for me to capture though. The couple of hours sitting was therapeutic however.

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Eventful Malaysia Day

The Malaysia Day in the last few years had been a non-event. The same cannot be said this time around. Two major news items took place today.

First, the much-touted "Himpunan Maruah Melayu", a pro-Government gathering of mostly UMNO members to counter the Bersih rally from a couple of weeks back. They planned to right what was wrong, and show that people power could work both ways. I think I shall leave you guys to make up your mind about the ding-dong of what happened, but at least there were not much incident despite the efforts of certain organisers trying to incite both the public and the Police. The smoke grenade and water cannon went out but it was pretty mild compared to the previous rallies.

It was supposed to end at midnight, but it was fast becoming a fiasco with the less-than-expected turnout despite Rani Kulop turning up for comedic value. He didn't get the memo however as he came in lime green complete with a keris. The haze situation also eased up, but that wasn't enough to get the city dwellers going. Even Urbanscape had bigger turn-out than this!

Second was the discovery of Kevin Morais' body. Being a legal matter, I was sure the information would be updated soon as more facts about the case were made known. There would be some repercussion in the medical freternity as one of the suspect remanded was a Pathologist. The manner in which the body was found was the shocker. In an oil drum filled with concrete buried at the bottom of a river. If the imformant did not spill the beans, I doubt if the body would ever been found.

It would be an interesting few days when more revelations surfaced ....

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