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Entries in Bangsar Village (39)


Around the Corner 

Father's Day would be coming in another couple of weeks time. It would be the first weekend after Ramadhan starts.

I was dropping hint that we should get an iftar night out on the evening. Hopefully somebody would be listening.

The main lobby at Bangsar Village todayBangsar Village had started decorating for that. Idlan was asking me earlier, why was is always that sailboats were used as symbol of Father's Day celebrations? I really got no answer to that one. Maybe it had something to do with sailors?

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Mama Got a Brand New Glasses

Anita finally got her brand new glasses after a few sleepless nights.

Her old glasses were broken last year and I had been pestering her to get it replaced. She finally did it earlier in the week, but had to wait until today for it to be ready.

Time to pick them up - she actually ordered a couple of pairs. Happy days indeed!

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That Magic Spot

I had some down time this afternoon. So, I took Anita to do her shopping and spent some time at my favourite spot. Specifically it was the Starbucks at Bangsar Village.

Latte time .... while going through some stuffAnita was done with her shoppingI made plenty of important decisions there along the years. Decided against doing my PhD. Decision about leaving UM for private practice. Nothing profound there today. Just a quick cup of coffee and enjoying watching people passing by while preparing for a couple of upcoming talks I have by the end of the month.

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Tutup Kedai

I have always had a love-hate relationship - mostly hate - against Ben restaurant chain. Their food was never the best, but the attitude of their staffs which got to me. Arrogant would be an understatement. As if they were a bunch of connersier.

After a couple of bad experiences, I tended to stay away from them. It didn't make much difference as they were full most of the time.

What I finally got ... some really nice meet land, with tons of ajinomoto I was sureIndeed ....So, when I went to Bangsar Village earlier - not to Ben's but to Mahbub instead, I was surprised to see the branch there had packed up. Maybe it had something to do with GST but I very much doubted that. They still have plenty of branches around town. Anyhow, I still felt the branch at Bangsar Village was somewhat iconic and it would be missed. ‎In fact, they have an outlet on the other side of Bangsar Village on the same floor, with a slightly different concept ...

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Business Was Good

After a long couple of weeks with work and travels to Penang, it was time to chill with my boys. It was a Saturday evening and we went to do some shopping at Bangsar Village.

Not your typical shopping as we had already got the clothes sorted out. It was for the biscuits. It was Biskut Raya Time!

That's one nice lighting ...But my boys got other ideas ...Anita had frequent this particular stall for the last five years. Expensive but the cookies there were the bomb!

It wasn't just Anita doing the picking. Idlan was also on the hunt. In fact he picked up at least three jars! Sigh!

That put a dent in my wallet...‎

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